In response to the COVID-19 virus situation, HomeTech Property Inspections has developed and implemented new protocols and procedures. These are meant to protect our employees, clients, referring partners and home sellers as well as our community as a whole.
Our team has been instructed to let us know immediately should they develop any symptoms of illness relating to cold, flu, covid 19 and will not work if this is the case. We will make every attempt to follow local and state guidelines as they change.
(Please consider these details when scheduling an inspection and share answers with our office)
- Has anyone residing in the home to be inspected traveled internationally in the past 14 days?
- Has anyone residing in the home to be inspected experienced any flu or cold like symptoms?
- Can the seller or occupants vacate the home during the inspection time? We would prefer not to enter a home with occupants present. If anyone currently residing in the home is sick or has been in contact with a person diagnosed with COVID 19 Hometech can not enter the property.
- Has anyone, who will be present at the inspection, traveled internationally in the past 14 days? If yes, no attendance please.
- Has anyone, who will be present at the inspection, experienced any flu or cold like symptoms? If yes, no attendance please.
We are recommending phone or video recaps of the inspection. If the buyer insists on an in person walk through we will need to limit the meeting to the end of the inspection and maintain proper social distancing during the walk through. Clients and or agents should not plan to attend the whole inspection at this time.
We understand that these questions may be personal, however, we are trying our best to protect our employee’s and our client’s health and to reduce the spread of this virus.
We are normally happy to meet our clients at the home for a recap of our findings and to answer all of their questions. As a substitute for face to face meetings we are recommending a phone conversation with the inspector after the inspection has been completed.
If you or anyone planning to attend the inspection have been out of the country within the last 14 days or have had cold or flu-like symptoms, we ask that you inform the office immediately and do not attend the inspection. We will schedule a phone meeting between you and your inspector.
- Please understand that we will be avoiding any physical contact.
- We will no longer be shaking hands.
We have instructed our inspectors to maintain a distance between themselves and others.
- Our inspectors will be bringing their own hand soap dispensers, hand sanitizing wipes and disposable gloves and masks with them.
- They will be washing their hands multiple times during the inspection process and they may be wearing disposable gloves and or masks.
We appreciate your understanding of our recent changes and would appreciate any feedback or comments. We would encourage all parties to take our current situation seriously and to do everything possible to reduce the opportunity for this virus to spread in our communities.
We love our jobs and we truly enjoy meeting with our clients and providing valuable information about their new home. We are grateful for your business and we look forward to being able to remove this section from our communications.
Stay Home As Much as Possible and Wash Your Hands.
We look forward to a rapid transition through this concern.