Happy Independence Day! As we do with many holidays, the HomeTech Team has compiled a list of our favorite things to do this 4th of July in the Wasatch Back. Get out that picnic blanket, lawn chair and dress in red, white and blue to celebrate the Independence Day with your family and friends in […]
How to Prevent Rust at Home
In Utah, we got a lot of precipitation in the winter, followed by a wet spring. Moisture and metal can mean rust. This month, we have some tips on how to prevent rust at home. “Whenever you have iron, water, and oxygen together, you get rust. The main catalyst for rust to occur is water. […]
Where to find Sandbags in the Wasatch Back
We complied a list of all the places to find sandbags in your area. Many locations are self-serve, but if you need help, many communities offer services so the program is accessible to all. For planning purposes, it’s estimated that a full sandbag weighs around 40 lbs. In Summit County, sandbag pick-up has been set […]
Prepare Your Home For Spring Floods
After an historic snow pack year, Utah is thawing out a bit. Have you thought how to prepare your home for Spring floods? In addition to snowmelt, we’re also seeing some additional precipitation, so even if all the snow has melted outside your home, what else is happening community-wide or up in the mountains could […]
Add a Sewer Scope Inspection to a Home Inspection
A HomeTech full home inspection provides you with a very detailed 2-4 hour full home inspection of every aspect of your home both in and out. If you’re planning on buying a home, especially one older than 20 years, you should consider adding an a sewer scope inspection. This will reveal any issues in a […]
5 Signs of Electrical Problems in Your Home
Electrical problems in your home can be hidden and suddenly show up when you can’t turn a light on or you see sparks coming from an outlet you use every day. Many home electrical problems don’t sneak up on you—they show warning signs. You may be able to troubleshoot some of these electrical issues yourself, […]