In Utah, we got a lot of precipitation in the winter, followed by a wet spring. Moisture and metal can mean rust. This month, we have some tips on how to prevent rust at home. “Whenever you have iron, water, and oxygen together, you get rust. The main catalyst for rust to occur is water. […]
Prepare Your Home For Spring Floods
After an historic snow pack year, Utah is thawing out a bit. Have you thought how to prepare your home for Spring floods? In addition to snowmelt, we’re also seeing some additional precipitation, so even if all the snow has melted outside your home, what else is happening community-wide or up in the mountains could […]
5 Steps To Save Energy at Home
It’s a New Year. Welcome 2023. It can be a time for resolutions and ideas to make this year the best one yet. We often think about things we can change about ourselves – maybe it’s a new diet, more exercise, saving money or something else. At HomeTech, we’re here to share some tips on […]
Radon Testing: Protect Yourself and Your Family from Radon
With the cooler weather, we’re all spending more time indoors. It’s a great time to check to make sure your house is safe by doing radon testing. Many people do this as part of a pre-purchase inspection, or even a pre-listing inspection, but it’s a good thing to do every 2-3 years. HomeTech offers a […]